Keep Fit - Mondays 9.30am. Aerobics and Circuit training. Designed to get you going at the start of the week. New members welcome at any time. Also on Wednesday evenings at 6.00pm
Tea Dances - Monday afternoons 2.00 - 4.30pm
Dancing Socials - Friday Evenings 6.30 - 9.00pm
Tap Dancing Classes - Monday Evenings
Flower Club - 1st Thursday every month
Patchwork Club - Friday Mornings
Puppy Training - Tuesdays 7.00pm
Yoga - Sunday Mornings 9.00am and Sunday evenings 6.45pm
- Wednesday Morning 9.30am & Wednesday Evening 8.00pm
Arts and Craft Club - Every Thursday 2.00 to 4.30pm
W.I. - Second Thursdays in month
Coffee Mornings - 1st Saturday in the Month 10.30 am. Just drop in when you like. Book swaps:plant sales:etc
Scottish Dancing Group Meeting alternate Wednesday afternoons
Link Meetings - In the afternoon of the 3rd Wednesday in the month . Speakers followed by Tea and Cakes and Sandwiches
Zumba Dancing - Tuesday 11.30am
The Hall is available for Private Functions,Children's' Parties, and Meetings and Presentations.

The Village has a very active Village Hall with numerous activities and functions taking place on a daily basis. Recently modernised it is a unique Village Hall with great charm and character, providing a warm and friendly atmosphere, where friends and family can relax and enjoy themselves
Complete with.audio.visual equipment.
It is an ideal venue for Wedding Receptions, and other celebrations, with ample space and facilities to cater for up to 100.
To make or enquire about a booking phone Renia Rushin on 01664 562774 or email at bookings@burtonlazars.com
In addition, the Village Hall Committee hosts a number of Socials, Quiz Nights and Race Nights throughout the year. These are popular events with tickets normally in great demand.
Regular User Groups
Private Parties and Functions